Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Protection of the Priesthood for our Families in the Last Days


Pres. Russell M. Nelson, “The Price of Priesthood Power,” April 2016

I urgently plead with each one of us to live up to our privileges as bearers of the priesthood. In a coming day, only those men who have taken their priesthood seriously, by diligently seeking to be taught by the Lord Himself, will be able to bless, guide, protect, strengthen, and heal others. Only a man who has paid the price for priesthood power will be able to bring miracles to those he loves and keep his marriage and family safe, now and throughout eternity.

President Boyd K. Packer, “The Power of the Priesthood,” April 2010

He said, “Now, fathers, I would remind you of the sacred nature of your calling. You have the power of the priesthood directly from the Lord to protect your home. There will be times when all that stands as a shield between your family and the adversary’s mischief will be that power.”

Thursday, May 7, 2020

How to Teach Children about the Plan of Salvation with illustrations

I found it very helpful for adults and children alike to better understand how we progress in the Plan of Salvation by seeing it visually.  You may find it useful too. This makes a great Primary Lesson. 

Click here to download a PDF of the images: Plan of Salvation with Pictures

I’m sure you will develop your own way of using the illustrations, but I thought I would give you the steps I used:

Pre-mortal Existence
·         Pre-mortal world 
·         Spirit man

·         Add Earth
·         Add man with body on top of the spirit figure (the body fits exactly over the spirit to cover it)
·         Add VEIL between pre-mortal existence and the earth to show we forget the pre-mortal existence
·         Add reason highlights of why we come to Earth: Obtain Physical Body, Develop Faith, and Keep Commandments

Spirit World
·         Add grave stone to show death and put man with body under the Earth to show our bodies stay in the earth while our spirits go to the Spirit World
·         Add Spirit World
·         Move spirit figure to Spirit World

·         Add resurrection arch
·         Move body from Earth and spirit from Spirit world to body on top of spirit, under the resurrection arch, and explain that the body and spirit become inseparably connected

Final Judgment
·         Add Final Judgment and move both body and spirit there
·         Add Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdom worlds

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Women: Satan Distorts the Value and Role of Women

I was blessed to be raised in a home and then marry into a family where the role of women and mothers was greatly valued. I believe that men and women have God-given traits that compliment each other. I also think that Satan works hard to make women feel undervalued or convinces them they need to be more like a man to be equal. I love how the Gospel of Jesus Christ supports womanhood.
I am concerned about what I see happening with some of our young women. Satan would have you dress, talk, and behave in unnatural and destructive ways in your relationships with young men. The adversary is having a heyday distorting attitudes about gender and roles and about families and individual worth. He is the author of mass confusion about the value, the role, the contribution, and the unique nature of women.

Today’s popular culture, which is preached by every form of media from the silver screen to the Internet, celebrates the sexy, saucy, socially aggressive woman. These distortions are seeping into the thinking of some of our own women.

My dear sisters, we believe in you. We realize that you are the emotional (and sometimes spiritual) glue that holds families together. We believe that the Church simply will not accomplish what it must without your faith and faithfulness, your innate tendency to put the well-being of others ahead of your own, and your spiritual strength and tenacity. 

“I wonder if you sisters fully understand the greatness of your gifts and talents. One of your unique, precious, and sublime gifts is your femininity. Femininity is not just lipstick, stylish hairdos, and trendy clothes. It finds expression in your qualities of your capacity to love, your spirituality, delicacy, radiance, sensitivity, creativity, charm, graciousness, gentleness, dignity, and quiet strength. It is manifest differently in each girl or woman, but each of you possesses it. Femininity is part of your inner beauty.

One of your particular gifts is your feminine intuition. Do not limit yourselves. As you seek to know the will of our Heavenly Father in your life and become more spiritual, you will be far more attractive, even irresistible. You can use your smiling loveliness to bless those you love and all you meet, and spread great joy. Femininity is part of the God-given divinity within each of you. Be proud of your womanhood.”  

Certainly there are trends and forces at work that would weaken and even eliminate your influence, to the great detriment of individuals, families, and society at large. Let me mention three as a caution and a warning.
A pernicious philosophy that undermines women’s moral influence is the devaluation of marriage and of motherhood and homemaking as a career. Some view homemaking with outright contempt, arguing it demeans women and that the relentless demands of raising children are a form of exploitation.8 They ridicule what they call “the mommy track” as a career. This is not fair or right. We do not diminish the value of what women or men achieve in any worthy endeavor or career—we all benefit from those achievements—but we still recognize there is not a higher good than motherhood and fatherhood in marriage. There is no superior career, and no amount of money, authority, or public acclaim can exceed the ultimate rewards of family. Whatever else a woman may accomplish, her moral influence is no more optimally employed than here.
A third area of concern comes from those who, in the name of equality, want to erase all differences between the masculine and the feminine. Often this takes the form of pushing women to adopt more masculine traits—be more aggressive, tough, and confrontational. It is now common in movies and video games to see women in terribly violent roles, leaving dead bodies and mayhem in their wake. It is soul-numbing to see men in such roles and certainly no less so when women are the ones perpetrating and suffering the violence.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Importance of Choosing Good Friends

Thomas S. Monson, “In Harm’s Way,” Ensign, May 1998, 46

May I share a thought or two concerning each of the six road signs previously mentioned to keep you from harm’s way.

1. Choose good friends. Friends help to determine your future. You will tend to be like them and to be found where they choose to go. Remember, the path we follow in this life leads to the path we follow in the next.
In a survey made in selected wards and stakes of the Church, we learned a most significant fact: Those persons whose friends married in the temple usually married in the temple, while those persons whose friends did not marry in the temple usually did not marry in the temple. This same fact pertained also to full-time missionary service. The influence of one’s friends appeared to be a highly dominant factor—even equal to parental urging, classroom instruction, or proximity to a temple.
The friends you choose will either help or hinder your success.

Thomas S. Monson 
Essential to your success and happiness is the advice “Choose your friends with caution.” We tend to become like those whom we admire, and they are usually our friends. We should associate with those who, like us, are planning not for temporary convenience, shallow goals, or narrow ambition—but rather with those who value the things that matter most, even eternal objectives.

Malcolm S. Jeppsen, “Who Is a True Friend?” Ensign, May 1990, 44
“No one will ever know,” the so-called “friends” will tell you. “Besides, what difference will it make?”
My young friends, you don’t have to reject your friends who are on the wrong path; you don’t even have to give them up necessarily. You can be their caring friend, ready to help them when they are ready to be helped. You can talk to them and lift them and bear your testimony to them. Lead them by example.
But don’t ever be led into displeasing your Father in Heaven by your friends who might ask that as a condition of being your friend, you must choose between their way and the Lord’s way.
If that happens, choose the Lord’s way and look for new friends.
Some of the most trusted and loving friends you will ever have on this earth are your parents and family. It may be that only when you have children of your own will you fully appreciate the bonds of love that exist between parents and children.
You’ll find as you grow into manhood that advice from your parents as to who should or should not be your true friends will be very reliable and valuable to you.
Cultivate our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ as your friend above all. Being his friend will without exception lift your vision and bring you comfort, guidance, peace, and, yes, even the companionship of other true friends.
I know something of his love, his compassion, his mercy, and the help one may receive from him and the Holy Spirit. He has promised that by obedience to his word, you “shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures.” (D&C 89:19.)
Just think! With Jesus as your friend, you may receive increased strength and testimony that will uphold you against temptations when they arise.
Choose your friends wisely. They will provide the foundation of spiritual strength that will enable you to make difficult, extremely important decisions correctly when they come in your life.
Above all, be a friend of the Savior. You, my young men, are the honored holders of a royal priesthood. If you have not done so previously, now is the time to let him know you consider him your true friend and that you will be a true friend of his.
That we may all qualify to be his disciples, his friends, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Valued Companions,” Ensign, Nov. 1997, 32

Shun False Companions

For all the blessings of righteous companionship, there are also dangers and evils of falling in with bad company. We know that there “must needs be … an opposition in all things.” 21 The prodigal son fell in with the wrong crowd. In the company of undesirable companions, he “wasted his substance with riotous living.” 22 Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah went about “rebelling against God” 23 and “seeking to destroy the church.” 24 They later repented.

We know that we are often judged by the company we keep. We know how influential classmates, friends, and other peer groups can be. If any of our companions are prone to be unrighteous in their living, we are better off seeking new associations immediately. Our friends should be companions who inspire us, who help us rise to our best.

Richard G. Scott, “Making the Right Decisions,” Ensign, May 1991, 34

How can you keep your resolve to live worthily? How can you be sure that your resolve will not be eroded by the pressures around you?
Choose good friends, those who have made similar decisions in their lives, those like yourself who are wise enough to live a life of order and restraint. When one gets off track, it is generally because the other kind of friends were chosen. Be surrounded by true friends who accept you the way you are and leave you better because of their association.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Joy and Importance of Motherhood

My Mom's mother, my grandma, wasn't able to have children for the first 16 years of their marriage, so when they were finally blessed with children, they became the joy and center of their lives. This focus on the blessing of having children became ingrained in our family culture.

My mother taught me that being a mother is a gift to look forward to. I also remember her saying many times, "When you are a mom you give up your own life for 30 years." I realize this isn't a popular principle right now and I acknowledge we need to take care of our own needs. But now that my 30 years are past, I can see the great blessings that have come from that sacrifice. As the Savior taught, "He who loses his life shall find it." The joy that motherhood has brought into my life can't be expressed in words.

For me, one of the biggest challenges of being a stay-home mom is that much of what we do isn't visible. What we cleaned in the morning doesn't stay clean, the laundry pile never stays down, and the time we spend reading, teaching and talking with our children usually isn't immediately apparent. Over the years when I would get discouraged and tired, I would read General Conference talks to remind myself that what I was doing was highly valued. Here are some of my favorites:

First Presidency Letter Regarding Parents Teaching Children  Published: Saturday, Feb. 27, 1999
We call upon parents to devote their best efforts to the teaching and rearing of their children in gospel principles which will keep them close to the Church. The home is the basis of a righteous life, and no other instrumentality can take its place or fulfill its essential functions in carrying forward this God-given responsibility.

We counsel parents and children to give highest priority to family prayer, family home evening, gospel study and instruction, and wholesome family activities. However worthy and appropriate other demands or activities may be, they must not be permitted to displace the divinely-appointed duties that only parents and families can adequately perform.

 “May years ago the First Presidency issued a statement that has had a profound and lasting influence upon me. “Motherhood,” they wrote, “is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels.”

Because mothers are essential to God’s great plan of happiness, their sacred work is opposed by Satan, who would destroy the family and demean the worth of women.”  

When as mothers, you are consistently in the home, at least during the hours the children are predominantly there, you can detect the individual needs of each child and provide ways to satisfy them.  Your divinely given instincts help sense a child’s special talents and unique capacities so that you can nurture and strengthen them.

Parents don’t make the mistake of purposefully intervening to soften or eliminate the natural consequences of your child’s deliberate decisions to violate the commandments.  Such acts reinforce false principles, open the door for more serious sin, and lessen the likelihood of repentance.

You must be willing to forgo personal pleasure and self-interest for family-centered activity, and not turn over to church, school, or society the principal role of fostering a child’s well-rounded development.  It takes time, great effort, and significant personal sacrifice to ‘train up a child in the way he should go.’  But where can you find greater rewards for a job well done?

Certainly there are trends and forces at work that would weaken and even eliminate your influence, to the great detriment of individuals, families, and society at large. Let me mention three as a caution and a warning.

A pernicious philosophy that undermines women’s moral influence is the devaluation of marriage and of motherhood and homemaking as a career. Some view homemaking with outright contempt, arguing it demeans women and that the relentless demands of raising children are a form of exploitation. They ridicule what they call “the mommy track” as a career. This is not fair or right. We do not diminish the value of what women or men achieve in any worthy endeavor or career—we all benefit from those achievements—but we still recognize there is not a higher good than motherhood and fatherhood in marriage. There is no superior career, and no amount of money, authority, or public acclaim can exceed the ultimate rewards of family. Whatever else a woman may accomplish, her moral influence is no more optimally employed than here.

Jeffrey R. Holland, “Because She Is a Mother” Ensign, May 1997
“In speaking of mothers generally, I especially wish to praise and encourage young mothers. The work of a mother is hard, too often unheralded work. Through these years, mothers go longer on less sleep and give more to others with less personal
Remember that families are the highest priority of all, especially in those formative years.  

Do the best you can through these years, but whatever else you do, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones.  Please know that it is worth it then, now, and forever. When you have come to the Lord in meekness and lowliness of heart and, as one mother said, “pounded on the doors of heaven to ask for, to plead for, to demand guidance and wisdom and help for this wondrous task,” that door is thrown open to provide you the influence and the help of all eternity.”

There is another dangerous trend as mothers, sometimes beyond their control, are being drawn out of the home. What could a mother possibly bring into the home that can equal her being at home with the children while they grow and mature?
Now the birthrate is declining in every country in the world. In order for a nation’s population to remain stable, the birthrate must be just over two children per woman of childbearing years. That trend is seen in the Church. Worldwide, the birthrate among members married in the temple is notably higher than in the world, but this rate too has been declining. Worldwide, the birthrate of Church members is only slightly higher than the world at large.
The First Presidency has written, “Marriage is ordained of God, and the paramount purpose of this sacred principle is to bring into the world immortal spirits to be reared in health and nobility of character, to fill the measure of their mortal existence.”   In the ordinary home and the ordinary family, in almost every conceivable way, the destroyer leads humanity carefully away from the source of all happiness.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Behold Thy Mother” Oct. 2015

Today I declare from this pulpit what has been said here before: that no love in mortality comes closer to approximating the pure love of Jesus Christ than the selfless love a devoted mother has for her child.
This kind of resolute love “suffereth long, and is kind, … seeketh not her own, … but … beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.” Most encouraging of all, such fidelity “never faileth.” “For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed,” Jehovah said, “but my kindness shall not depart from thee.” So too say our mothers.
To all of our mothers everywhere, past, present, or future, I say, “Thank you. Thank you for giving birth, for shaping souls, for forming character, and for demonstrating the pure love of Christ.” To all mothers in every circumstance, including those who struggle—and all will—I say, “Be peaceful. Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are. In fact, you are saviors on Mount Zion, and like the Master you follow, your love ‘never faileth.’” I can pay no higher tribute to anyone.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What Happens When We Die? What We Know about the Spirit World

Joseph F. Smith.  If we can see, by the enlightening influence of the Spirit of God and through the words that have been spoken by the holy prophets of God, beyond the veil that separates us from the spirit world, surely those who have passed beyond, can see more clearly through the veil back here to us than it is possible for us to see to them from our sphere of action. I believe we move and have our being in the presence of heavenly messengers and of heavenly beings. We are not separated from them. We begin to realize more and more fully, as we become acquainted with the principles of the gospel, as they have been revealed anew in this dispensation, that we are closely related to our kindred, to our ancestors, to our friends and associates and co-laborers who have preceded us into the spirit world. We cannot forget them; we do not cease to love them; we always hold them in our hearts, in memory, and thus we are associated and united to them by ties that we cannot break, that we cannot dissolve or free ourselves from. If this is the case with us in our finite condition, surrounded by our mortal weaknesses, shortsightedness, lack of inspiration and wisdom, from time to time, how much more certain it is, and reasonable and consistent, to believe that those who have been faithful, who have gone beyond, are still engaged in the work for the salvation of the souls of men, in the opening of the prison doors to them that are bound and proclaiming liberty to the captives, who can see us better than we can see them-that they know us better than we know them. They have advanced; we are advancing; we are growing as they have grown; we are reaching the goal that they have attained unto; and therefore, I claim that we live in their presence, they see us, they are solicitous for our welfare, they love us now more than ever. For now they see the dangers that beset us; they can comprehend better than ever before, the weaknesses that are liable to mislead us into dark and forbidden paths. They see the temptations and the evils that beset us in life, and the proneness of mortal beings to yield to temptation and to wrong doing; hence their solicitude for us and their love for us and their desire for our well being must be greater than that which we feel for ourselves (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, 430). 

Gordon B. Hinckley.  To lose [a] much-loved [family member]  with whom one has long walked through sunshine and shadow is absolutely devastating. There is a consuming loneliness which increases in intensity.  It painfully gnaws at one’s very soul.  But in the quiet of the night a silent whisper is heard that says, “All is well.  All is well.”  And that voice from out of the unknown brings peace, certainty, and unwavering assurance that death is not the end, that life goes on, with work to do and victories to be gained.  That voice quietly, even unheard with mortal ears, brings the assurance that as surely as there has been separation, there will be a joyful reuniting.  And so with that firm assurance you will go on.  There will be days of loneliness and nights of longing, but the sunlight of faith will shine again and the fires of love will warm you (Gordon B. Hinckley, Funeral Service for Neal A. Maxwell, 27 July 2004).

Ella Jensen.  I  could see people from the other world and hear the most delightful music and singing that I ever heard. This singing lasted for six hours, during which time I was preparing to leave this earth, and I could hear it all through the house. . . .Everybody appeared to be perfectly happy. I was having a very pleasant visit with each one that I knew. Finally. . .I opened a door and went into another room filled with children. They were all arranged in perfect order, the smallest ones first, then larger ones, according to age and size, the largest ones in the back rows all around the room. They seemed to be convened in a sort of Primary or Sunday School presided over by Aunt Eliza R. Snow. There were hundreds of small children. . . .all dressed in white. . . .[I] sat and listened to the Sunday School songs which they sang, being songs which are now sung in Sunday Schools among us, and. . .was perfectly contented and happy. It was a heavenly place. . . .[I] felt that [I] never wanted to leave it. . . .Everyone appeared busy and very happy (Leroi C. Snow in “Raised From the Dead,” Improvement Era, 32, September 1929, no pages given).

D&C 130:2.  The same sociality we experience here will continue in the spirit world, only it will be coupled with glory.

Jedediah M. Grant.  When in the spirit world, I saw the order of righteous men and women; beheld them organized in their several grades, and there appeared to be no obstruction to my vision; I could see every man and woman in their grade and order. I looked to see whether there was any disorder there, but there was none; neither could I see any death nor any darkness, disorder or confusion." He said that the people he there saw were organized in family capacities; and when he looked at them he saw grade after grade and all were organized and in perfect harmony. . . .He saw the righteous gathered together in the spirit world, and there were no wicked spirits among them. He saw his wife; she was the first person that came to him. He saw many that he knew, but did not have conversation with any except his wife, Caroline. She came to him, and he said that she looked beautiful and had their little child, that died on the Plains, in her arms, and said, "Mr. Grant, here is little Margaret; you know that the wolves ate her up, but it did not hurt her; here she is all right.". . . "To my astonishment," he said, "when I looked at families there was a deficiency in some, there was a lack, for I saw families that would not be permitted to come and dwell together, because they had not honored their calling here" (As reported by Heber C. Kimball,  (JD, 4:135-37).

Ezra Taft Benson.  On the other side of the veil, the righteous are taught their duties preparatory to the time when they will return with the Son of Man to earth when He comes again, this time to judge every man according to his works. These righteous spirits are close by us. They are organized according to priesthood order in family organizations as we are here; only there they exist in a more perfect order. This was revealed to the Prophet Joseph (Teachings, 35-36).

Joseph F. Smith.  Now, among all these millions of spirits that have lived on the earth and have passed away, from generation to generation, since the beginning of the world, without the knowledge of the gospel–among them you may count that at least one-half are women. Who is going to preach the gospel to the women? Who is going to carry the testimony of Jesus Christ to the hearts of the women who have passed away without a knowledge of the gospel?  Well, to my mind, it is a simple thing. These good sisters who have been set apart, ordained to the work, called to it, authorized by the authority of the holy Priesthood to minister for their sex, in the House of God for the living and for the dead, will be fully authorized and empowered to preach the gospel and minister to the women while the elders and prophets are preaching it to the men. . . .Some of you will understand when I tell you that some of these good women who have passed beyond have actually been anointed queens and priestesses unto God and unto their husbands, to continue their work and to be the mothers of spirits in the world to come. The world does not understand this-they cannot receive it-they do not know what it means, and it is sometimes hard for those who ought to be thoroughly imbued with the spirit of the gospel-even for some of us, to comprehend, but it is true (Gospel Doctrine, 461).

Joseph F. Smith.  The righteous spirit that departs from this earth is assigned its place in the Paradise of God; it has its privileges and honors which are in point of excellency, far above and beyond human comprehension; and in this sphere of action, enjoying this partial reward for its righteous conduct on the earth, it continues its labors, and in this respect is very different from the state of the body from which it is released.  For while the body sleeps and decays, the spirit receives a new birth; to it the portals of life are opened. It is born again into the presence of God. . . .to enter a state of joy, glory and exaltation; not a fulness of any one of them but to await the morning of the resurrection of the just, to come forth from the grave to redeem the body, and to be reunited with it and thus become a living soul, an immortal being, never more to die (Gospel Doctrine, 440).

Harold B. Lee.  To those who are righteous, [the spirit world] will be a paradise. There they will rest from all their earthly labors, and there shall be peace and harmony, joy and love, all described by a great Book of Mormon prophet. But to those who die in their wicked state, not having repented, the scriptures say the devil shall seal them as his own (see Alma 34:35), which means that until they have paid the uttermost farthing for what they have done, they shall not be redeemed from his grasp. When they shall have been subjected to the buffetings of Satan sufficient to have satisfied justice, then they shall be brought forth out of the grasp of Satan and shall be assigned to that place in our Father's celestial, terrestrial, or telestial world merited by their life here upon this earth (Teachings, 59).

Joseph Fielding Smith.  All spirits of men after death return to the spirit world. There, as I understand it, the righteous–meaning those who have been baptized and who have been faithful–are gathered in one part and all the others in another part of the spirit world. This seems to be true from the vision given to President Joseph F. Smith. . . . The righteous may now go among the other spirits, and there the gospel is being taught, but the spirits barred from the association of the righteous cannot go where the righteous are.  According to the story of Lazarus and the rich man, there was a gulf which separated the righteous from the unrighteous (which included all the spirits not baptized), and neither class could pass into the other until the Savior bridged the gulf, so those holding the priesthood then could cross over to teach the others (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 2.230).

Brigham YoungWe have more friends behind the veil than on this side, and they will hail us more joyfully than you were ever welcomed by your parents and friends in this world; and you will rejoice more when you meet them than you ever rejoiced to see a friend in this life; and then we shall go on from step to step, from rejoicing to rejoicing, and from one intelligence and power to another, our happiness becoming more and more exquisite and sensible as we proceed in the words and powers of life ( Brigham Young, Discourses, 379-80).

Melvin J. Ballard.  You mothers worry about your little children. We do not perform sealings for them. I lost a son six years of age, and I saw him a man in the spirit world after his death, and I saw how he had exercised his own freedom of choice and would obtain of his own will and volition a companionship, and in due time to him, and all those who are worthy of it, shall come all of the blessings and sealing privileges of the house of the Lord (Sermons, 260)

Joseph Smith.  The spirits of the just are exalted to a greater and more glorious work; hence they are blessed in their departure to the world of spirits. Enveloped in flaming fire, they are not far from us, and know and understand our thoughts, feelings, and motions, and are often pained therewith (Teachings, 326).    

Joseph F. Smith.  We are told by the Prophet Joseph Smith, that "there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it." Hence, when messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred, friends, and fellow-beings and fellow-servants (Gospel Doctrine, 435).

Friday, November 30, 2018

How to Increase Conversion in Ourselves and our Families

What Is Conversion?
Jesus taught these same men about conversion, which is far more than testimony. This process requires far more than acquiring knowledge. To testify is to know and to declare. The gospel challenges us to be “converted,” which requires us to do and to become. In contrast to the institutions of the world, which teach us to know something, the gospel of Jesus Christ challenges us to become something.

How Does Conversion Happen?
True conversion comes through the power of the Spirit. When the Spirit touches the heart, hearts are changed. When individuals, both members and investigators, feel the Spirit working with them, or when they see the evidence of the Lord’s love and mercy in their lives, they are edified and strengthened spiritually and their faith in Him increases.

President Russell M. Nelson tied together learning and this converting change of heart when he taught that as “the Holy Ghost gives conviction to the earnest seeker of truth,” it fosters faith, which “promotes repentance and obedience to God’s commandments.” These essential ingredients of conversion turn us “from the ways of the world to … the ways of the Lord,” which “brings a mighty change of heart.” This isn’t about knowing the names of the twelve tribes of Israel or diagramming the allegory of the olives trees, as useful as such exercises may be. This kind of learning is about changing ourselves, about being different (better) because we know more of what God knows.
The Purpose of the New Curriculum and Sunday Block is Deeper Conversion
The goal of these adjustments is to obtain a deep and lasting conversion of adults and the rising generation. We know the spiritual impact and the deep and lasting conversion that can be achieved in the home setting. Years ago, a study established that for young men and women the influence of the Holy Ghost most often accompanies individual scripture study and prayer in the home. Our purpose is to balance the Church and the home experiences in a way that will greatly increase faith and spirituality and deepen conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

World conditions increasingly require deepening individual conversion to and strengthening faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. The Lord has prepared us, line upon line, for the perilous times that we now face.

I hope we can see more than just modified policies, new programs, and revised manuals. The Lord’s work has always been ultimately about people, not programs. Whatever changes He directs, what He’s really hoping to change is you and me. He wants to change our hearts and enhance our future.

How to Study or Teach for Deeper Conversion
You can see that the kind of learning I’m talking about is far too big to be wrapped up in a 50-minute lesson. We wouldn’t expect our physical bodies to survive long on one meal a week—even if it is a very good meal. Similarly, if a one-hour Church class is the main setting for our “feasting upon the word of Christ” (2 Nephi 31:20), then we are in danger of spiritual malnourishment.

Let me reassure you with two thoughts: (1) You are teaching people, not lessons. (2). Remember that the best way to invite the Spirit into our lives—and into our teaching—is to learn and live the gospel ourselves. The Spirit is the ultimate teacher in this Church, and fortunately, there is no limit to that influence.

I help [learners] see connections between their lives and the precious doctrine in the scriptures. Above all, I pray for inspiration in the moment to turn a fact into faith, to turn a question into a quest. The true measure of success will not be how smoothly the lesson went. Success depends on what happens in the life of the learner.

[There are] three basic ways or methods of obtaining living water from the scriptural reservoir:
  (1) reading the scriptures from beginning to end
  (2) studying the scriptures by topic
  (3) searching the scriptures for connections, patterns, and themes.
Whereas reading a book of scripture from beginning to end provides a basic breadth of knowledge, studying by topic increases the depth of our knowledge. In my judgment, diligently searching to discover connections, patterns, and themes is in part what it means to “feast” upon the words of Christ. This approach can open the floodgates of the spiritual reservoir, enlighten our understanding through His Spirit, and produce a depth of gratitude for the holy scriptures and a degree of spiritual commitment that can be received in no other way.


President Oaks: Spiritual food is necessary for spiritual survival, especially in a world that is moving away from belief in God and the absolutes of right and wrong. In an age dominated by the Internet, which magnifies messages that menace faith, we must increase our exposure to spiritual truth in order to strengthen our faith and stay rooted in the gospel.

President Ballard: Our family-centered perspective should make Latter-day Saints strive to be the best parents in the world. It should cause us to devote whatever time is necessary to strengthen our families. Be wise and do not involve children or yourselves in so many activities out of the home that you are so busy that the Spirit of the Lord cannot be recognized.

Keep foremost in mind the sacred covenants you have made with the Lord as you write down your daily schedules.

Elder Christofferson: You and I can put Christ at the center of our lives. We can begin by stripping everything out of our lives and then putting it back together in priority order with the Savior at the center. We should first put in frequent prayer and scripture study, thoughtful study of apostolic teachings, weekly preparation to partake of the sacrament worthily, Sunday worship, and recording and remembering what the Spirit and experience teach us about discipleship.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Understanding the Worldly Philosophies of Satan and Strengthening Testimonies

We need to create a safe place with lots of love for ourselves/children to ask questions

A. What are Satan’s Strategies? – usually truth mixed with falsehoods
1) Moral Relativism = Satan’s says the world is too judgmental or intolerant (true) so you shouldn’t say there is absolute truth (false). Satan’s message – you can have “your truth” and I can have “my truth.”
“Relativism means each person is his or her own highest authority. In much of the world, relativist thinking has become a dominant philosophy. “By relativism I mean the view that ethical or moral truths are relative, that they depend on the attitudes and feelings of those who hold them, and that no one can judge the validity of someone else’s ‘truth,’” he said. “You hear a lot of talk these days about ‘my truth’ and ‘his truth’ or ‘her truth.’”

“I shouldn’t be forced to believe something is true that I don’t like.” But that does not change reality. Resenting the law of gravity won’t keep a person from falling if he steps off a cliff. The same is true for eternal law and justice. Freedom comes not from resisting it but from applying it.

2) Anger against that which is good
2 Nephi 28: 20 For behold, at that day shall he rage in the hearts of the children of men and stir them up to anger against that which is good.

3) There is no devil, carnal security, or all is well in Zion

4) God loves everyone, so He will save everyone
Alma 42:1, 30 For ye so try to suppose that it is injustice that the sinner should be consigned to a state of misery. Do not endeavor to excuse yourself in the least point because of your sins, by denying the justice of God; but do you let the justice of God, and his mercy, and his long-suffering have full sway in your heart.

Sadly, much of modern Christianity does not acknowledge that God makes any real demands on those who believe in Him, seeing Him rather as a butler “who meets their needs when summoned” or a therapist whose role is to help people “feel good about themselves.” It is a religious outlook that “makes no pretense at changing lives.”

Parents can and must correct, even chasten, if their children are not to be cast adrift at the mercy of a merciless adversary and his supporters. President Boyd K. Packer has observed that when a person in a position to correct another fails to do so, he is thinking of himself.

I begin with four examples which illustrate some mortal confusion between love and law...

These persons disbelieve eternal laws which they consider contrary to their concept of the effect of God’s love. Persons who take this position do not understand the nature of God’s love or the purpose of His laws and commandments. The love of God does not supersede His laws and His commandments, and the effect of God’s laws and commandments does not diminish the purpose and effect of His love. The same should be true of parental love and rules.

5) The devaluation of marriage and motherhood
Certainly there are trends and forces at work that would weaken and even eliminate your influence, to the great detriment of individuals, families, and society at large. Let me mention three as a caution and a warning.

A pernicious philosophy that undermines women’s moral influence is the devaluation of marriage and of motherhood and homemaking as a career.

6) Seven strategies of Satan found in the Book of Mormon and how to counteract them.
B. Solutions to counter Satan’s strategies

1. Most powerful solution is daily reading the Book of Mormon
I promise that as you daily immerse yourself in the Book of Mormon, you can be immunized against the evils of the day.

Ensign, January 1996. President Ezra Taft Benson declared: “The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ. … It fortifies the humble followers of Christ against the evil designs, strategies, and doctrines of the devil in our day.”

President Thomas S. Monson, “The Power of the Book of Mormon,” April 2017 President Monson: I maintain that a strong testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and of His gospel will help see us through to safety. If you are not reading the Book of Mormon each day, please do so.

Helaman 3:29 We see that whosoever will may lay hold upon the word of God, which is quick and powerful, which shall divide asunder all the cunning and the snares and the wiles of the devil and lead the man of Christ in a strait and narrow course across that everlasting gulf of misery which is prepared to engulf the wicked.

2. Increase our efforts to Understand the Doctrines
President Packer declared: “We need women who can teach, women who can speak out. …We need women with the gift of discernment who can view the trends in the world and detect those that, however popular, are shallow or dangerous.”

 “We need now for you women of the Church to know the doctrine of Christ and to bear testimony of the Restoration in every way that you can. Never has there been a more complex time in the history of the earth,” he said. “Satan and his minions have been perfecting the weapons in their arsenal for millennia, and they are experienced at destroying faith and trust in God and the Lord Jesus Christ among the human family.”

Sisters, your sphere of influence is a unique sphere—one that cannot be duplicated by men. No one can defend our Savior with any more persuasion or power than you, the daughters of God, can—you who have such inner strength and conviction. The power of a converted woman’s voice is immeasurable, and the Church needs your voices now more than ever.
President Hinckley said: You cannot simply take for granted this cause, which is the cause of Christ. You cannot simply stand on the sidelines and watch the play between the forces of good and evil.

3. Discernment through the Gift of the Holy Ghost
I think we will witness increasing evidence of Satan’s power as the kingdom of God grows stronger. In the future the opposition will be both more subtle and more open. It will be masked in greater sophistication and cunning, but it will also be more blatant. We will need greater spirituality to perceive all of the forms of evil and greater strength to resist it. There is, however, an ample shield against the power of Lucifer and his hosts. This protection lies in the spirit of discernment through the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Consider the reasons we pray and study the scriptures. Please remember that these holy habits primarily ... are prerequisites to the ongoing companionship of the Holy Ghost. Reflect on the reasons we worship in the house of the Lord and in our Sabbath meetings. We primarily gather together in unity to seek the blessings of and instruction from the Holy Ghost.

If we are to have any hope of sifting through the myriad of voices and the philosophies of men that attack truth, we must learn to receive revelation. In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.

“In reality, the best way to help those we love--the best way to love them--is to continue to put the Savior first.   If we cast ourselves adrift from the Lord out of sympathy for loved ones who are suffering or distressed, then we lose the means why which we might have helped them."  Elder Christofferson

Monday, April 2, 2018

Text from President Dallin H. Oaks, RootsTech 2018

When individuals and families search out their ancestors’ inspiring actions and words, they will receive strength and direction for their own lives.

25:45 As we observed youth doing family history, we saw them:
·         experience almost instantaneous joy and
·         increased confidence.
·         They become more connected to their families.
·         They no longer feel so alone.
·         They begin to feel a celestial kinship.
·         They learn what it means to feel the Spirit.
·         Family history offers a healing influence and an assurance that each person is precious in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.
An important part of learning about our ancestors should occur in the home. That is where the hearts of the children can most effectively turn to their fathers.

14:00 Emphasize their abilities to bounce back and thrive. Family stories count.

16:58 When individuals and families search out their ancestors' inspiring actions and words, they will receive strength and direction for their own lives.

26:40 To help in our reading to children, we created a compilation of family experiences, spiritual promptings, and miracles called “Tell Me a Story.” Sister Oaks: We recommend that everyone create their own family history book.

34:35 The youth came to understand who they are and came to feel a closeness to their Savior. Share these ideas with your families.

41:34 Brothers and sisters, we live in the last days, wonderful days in which the Lord has promised that knowledge will flow down from Heaven until nothing shall be withheld from those who have endured valiantly for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Technological resources unthinkable only a short time ago have been revealed and are being eagerly used by the rising generation. We must teach that generation to use it for holy purposes like FamilySearch, not for the evil or even the trivial.

Family history also connects us to heaven. It gives us an eternal perspective. As President Russell M. Nelson has said:
While temple and family history work has the power to bless those beyond the veil, it has an equal power to bless the living. It has a refining influence on those who are engaged in it.